shaping your success

Pioneering a platform of exceptional regional food distributors, delivering sharp service and a wide-range of products to independent grocers and restaurants across the Midwest.

cooked beef with herbs on a whetstone
Who we are

Unifying Tradition, Expertise, and Quality

At Whetstone Distribution, we bring together historic family-owned businesses, industry know-how, and a commitment to delight our customers. Based in Chicago, we're a dynamic team, forging a path of success in the food distribution industry.

01 mission

To Supply our customers with a full range of quality meat, seafood and complementary products

Center of Plate, Competitively Priced, On Time, As Ordered, With Exceptional Service

02 vision

to be the partner of choice for food distributors, grocers, restaurants and industry professionals

Creating a network of thriving and interconnected regional food distributors, committed to delivering diverse, top-quality products to independent grocers and restaurants across the Midwest

Expertise Empowered

Leveraging our team's deep industry knowledge and diverse business backgrounds to grow our distribution companies.

Growth Vision

Committed to a thoughtful, strategic plan that fuels the sustainable expansion to be the Midwest provider of choice for our distribution network.

Leadership Legacy

Building on our historical success, we cultivate a culture that values and nurtures leadership at all levels.

Shore Support

Backed by Shore Capital Partners, we harness financial and strategic resources to foster business growth.

Get Started Today

Embark on your journey towards long-term growth and success with Whetstone Distribution.